spongebob smarty pants quiz spongebob smarty pants quiz spongebob smarty pants quiz

The brand new show The Adventures of Paddington! : 14:50 7x26b Max első jelvénye (Max's Bunny Scout Badge) - season seven finale 14:50 7x26a Tengeriszörny Max (Sea Monster Max) 14:50 7x25b Max és Ruby cseréje (Max and Ruby's Switch) 14:50 7x25a Az ikrek bábszínház (The Twin's Puppet Show) 14:50 7x24 Max csapata / Szupermax segít (Max's Crew / Super Helpful Max) 14:50 7x23 Max és Ruby és az új baba (Max and Ruby and the New Baby) 14:50 7x22 Ruby meglepetés teadélutánja / Max éjszakai dübögése (Ruby's Tea Party Surprise / Max's Bump in the Night) 14:50 7x21 Ruby tiszta városa / Max, a sárkányidomár (Ruby's Tidy Town / Max the Dragon Tamer) 14:50 7x20 Ruby jóga órája / Ruby kávézója (Ruby's Yoga Twist / Ruby's Café) 14:50 7x19 Az apák napja / Ruby hoki edzése (Max and Ruby's Father's Day / Ruby's Hockey Practice) Brand-new episodes of Max & Ruby season 7!: "Blaze and the Monster Machines" is locally titled "Láng és a szuperverdák" in Hungary and "Blaze şi maşinile uriaşe" in Romania. 17:40 5x08 Az újrahasznosítás ereje (Recycling Power!) 17:40 5x07 Mélytengeri Grand Prix (Deep Sea Grand Prix) 17:40 5x09 A nagy űrverseny (The Great Space Race) 17:40 5x10 A fagyis szuperverda (Ice Cream Monster Machine) Brand new episodes of Blaze and the Monster Machines season 5!: "Bubble Guppies" is locally titled "Bubi guppik" in Hungary and "Baloane şi Gupi" in Romania. 12:45 5x04 A Jó, a Szomorú, és a Morcos (The Good, the Sad, and the Grumpy!) Brand new episodes of Bubble Guppies season five!: "PAW Patrol" is locally titled "A mancs őrjárat" in Hungary and "Patrula căţeluşilor" in Romania. CEE will premiere PAW Patrol season seven in September. 07:20 6x22b Pups Save a Flying Disc Fling 07:20 6x20 Pups Save the Squirrels / Pups Save a Roo 07:20 6x19 Pups Save the White Wolf / Pups Save a Wrong-Way Explorer 07:20 6x17 A mackók megmentése / A farm megmentése (Pups Save the Bears / Pups Save a Farmerless Farm) 15:10 6x24 Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Pups Stop a Big Bad Bot / Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Mighty Pups Versus the Dome "Blue's Clues & You!" is locally titled "Azúrkék nyomok és te" in Hungary and "Pe urmele lui Blues" in Romania. 19:15 1x15 ? (Colors Everywhere with Blue) spongebob smarty pants quiz

19:15 1x12 Mesedélután Azúrral (Story Time with Blue) 19:15 1x14 Azúr és a tudomány (Science with Blue) 19:15 1x09 Magenta szemüveget kap (Getting Glasses with Magenta) Brand new episodes of Blue's Clues & You!: spongebob smarty pants quiz

This August, Nick Junior Central and Eastern Europe will be airing: CEE | Nicktoons CEEĪugust 2020 on: Nickelodeon CEE | Nicktoons CEEĪll times CET Unless otherwise noted, localised episode titles are Hungarian (Magyar). spongebob smarty pants quiz